Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Four $300,000,000 Police Cars

The G20/G8... wow, good job Canada! Another wise home run. 

So what happened here? Harper says "I know what we'll do, close downtown Toronto and have a self indulgent world leader wank-fest while pissing off every Canadian in the process."? Harsh, I know, but doesn't it kinda seem so?

You see, I've been reading news paper articles, magazine articles, blogs, and online posts about this event for the last week. Somehow... somehow... those clever business men, politicians, and law enforcement officers have pulled the wool over our eyes. BUT! I can see through it now! Let me show you.  

Side note: I think our ADHD/ADD minds have allowed us to be easily deterred. Keep focused - 1.2 billion. Forget about protesters, G20/G8 etc. Just think about that figure - 1.2 billion. 

These anarchists are on everybody's mind. They did do horrible things. Smashed some windows, set some cars on fire, stole a crystal ball etc. Not ideal. But what was going on outside these protests? OH YEAH! A G20/G8 summit. I forgot. And how much did that all cost again? Oh yeah! 1.2 billion dollars... hahahahahahahahaha!!

So they hosted a meeting on the economic crisis (I guess we're doing well), in a city who didn't want them there, in a country with failing leadership, and spent 1.2 billion taxpayer dollars in the process. WOW! So who are the fools? Those rowdy anarchists? Our poor leadership? Us? Or maybe the whole thing?

Those were some expensive police cars. 

Here's a photo the Metro Toronto Police sent me of one of the new replacement cruisers they bought:

DEAR MR. McLean's: Most recently I read the cover story in this months issue of McLean's Magazine saying how the radical protesters should go to jail... now, I'm not some crazy leftist who thinks we need to bring the system down (man), but don't you think Mr. McLean's Magazine writer that 1.2 billion dollars might be something to cause a bit of frustration? A sensitive issue maybe? A point of contention if you will? 1.2 billion can go a long way, in health care or!! Get this! EDUCATION! If we were smarter then maybe we wouldn't have allowed this in the first place. Hmmmmmmm. Eyes on the prize people. Keep focused.

Use your head, open your eyes. We'll all be better off for it.

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